* Anti-Porn Full Version

Anti-Porn Full Version

Software Pemblokir Pornogafi

Anti-Porn | 3.2 MB
Anti-Porn parental controls dapat memfilter semua website dewasa (memblok situs porno), dengan konten yang berbahaya buat anak, dapat bahkan dapat memfilter ketika kata tersebut digunakan/diketik. Software Anti-Porn dapat secara otomatis menyaring ribuan website porno dan kamu dapat dengan mudah memasukan website yang tidak ingin dilihat anak-anak.

Anti-Porn parental control software can supply the globe standard time, you can set the program to let your kids use internet at certain times on specific days. Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all websites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps track of all material viewed on the computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history.
<("") Anti-Porn <("")>

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